Message from the Pastor Fr. Jean Jadotte

St. Pius X Catholic Church

Dear family,

On this fifth Sunday of Lent, the readings focus on the approaching death of Jesus which Paul considers a priestly sacrifice and John considers the moment of Jesus’ “exaltation” and “glorification.” They present us with a challenge. Just as Jesus became the “Promised Messiah of Glory” and the “Conquering Son of Man” by sacrificing his life for others, we, too, if we would like to come to heaven, must die to self by loving obedience, spending our lives in self-giving, sacrificial service.

Prophet Jeremiah, in the first reading, announced that God will replace the Old Covenant of judgement with a New Covenant of Forgiveness of sins. This New Covenant prophesied by Jeremiah was fulfilled, at least in part, through Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Paul, in the second reading, tells the Hebrews that it is by Jesus’ passion and death, in obedience to his Father’s will, that Jesus established the New Covenant. Today’s gospel reveals the inner struggle of Jesus in accepting the cup of suffering to inaugurate the New and Eternal Covenant. However, Jesus accepts the cross as his “hour,” meaning the stepping-stone to his passion, death, resurrection, and exaltation. Embracing the cross is the way by which all people will be drawn into the saving action of God. The way of the cross will lead to our resurrection and eternal life.

In sum, today’s gospel teaches us that new life and eternal life are made possible only by the death of the self through obedience, suffering and service. Salt gives its taste by dissolving in water. A candle gives light by having its wick burned and its wax melted. “When a woman is in labor she has pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a child has been born into the world”(Jn 16:21).

Loving parents sacrifice themselves so that their children can enjoy a better life than they themselves have had. Let us pray that we may incarnate this self-sacrificing spirit, specially this Lenten season.

Happy Lent!

Fr. Jean Jadotte